K+S Potash Canada GP and File Hills Qu’Appelle Developments Limited Sign Agreement Respecting Workforce Development


K+S Potash Canada GP and File Hills Qu’Appelle Developments Limited Sign Agreement Respecting Workforce Development

Regina, SK – Today File Hills Qu’Appelle Developments LP (FHQ Developments) along with K+S Potash Canada GP (KSPC) signed an agreement outlining both parties’ commitment to improving labour market participation and employment opportunities for Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis people.

Through this partnership, KSPC and FHQ Developments will work towards identifying, advancing, and securing mutually beneficial workforce development, employment, and training strategies for First Nations and Métis people, with a particular emphasis on the Legacy Project mine site.
“The development of meaningful partnerships with both First Nation communities and Aboriginal suppliers and contractors has resulted in many tangible outcomes for Saskatchewan First Nations,” explains Edmund Bellegarde, President and Board Chair, of FHQ Developments and Points Athabasca FHQ. “K+S Potash Canada has played an important role in moving towards a more equitable and positive, long-term relationship with Aboriginal people, communities, and businesses in Saskatchewan and their work in this regard is a model for collaboration and partnership in the mining sector.”

This year, KSPC’s Legacy Project will be moving into the production phase. While the shift from construction to operations will mean the number of contracting opportunities and employment with contractors will be reduced, KSPC is now working to finalize its permanent workforce. With 150+ permanent employees left to hire, KSPC wants to be an employer of choice, attracting, recruiting, and retaining Aboriginal employees.

“The task of creating a representative workforce can be challenging, and requires an ongoing commitment to identify opportunities and, where high levels of skill or training is required, as is the case with many jobs in the mining sector, identify suitable candidates for employment and training,” says Maryann Deutscher, Senior Manager, Human Resources. “Together, KSPC and FHQ Developments are ready to meet this challenge.”

During the construction phase of development at the Legacy site, Points Athabasca FHQ Contracting, a Saskatchewan-based, Aboriginal-owned and operated construction firm, secured significant business and employment development opportunities, including delivering a 70 percent participation rate for First Nations employment, and directly employing more than 140 File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council members at the mine site in the past two years.

“This partnership is a win-win opportunity for KSPC and FHQ Developments,” says Christopher Adams, General Manager, FHQ Developments. “Our partnership has allowed both corporations to meet their individual business objectives while simultaneously working together to secure ongoing employment opportunities for Aboriginal people. KSPC has been a very proactive partner for us and we are very excited to put this plan into action and see First Nations and Métis people employed not just in jobs, but career paths with KSPC as the Legacy Project moves into an operational phase.”

About K+S Potash Canada GP

K+S Potash Canada GP is part of the K+S Group, an international resources company that has been mining and processing mineral raw materials for more than 125 years. K+S is putting its mining experience and world-class expertise to work on the Legacy Project, a potash solution mine and production facility being built near Moose Jaw. It will be the first new greenfield potash mine built in Saskatchewan in nearly forty years. Commissioning is targeted for the summer of 2016. K+S projects it will reach two million tonnes of production capacity by the end of 2017. The Legacy Project will mean new job opportunities for Saskatchewan workers, and new business opportunities for Saskatchewan companies supplying goods and services to this major economic development. K+S is growing Saskatchewan while providing the potash that is needed to help feed a growing world population. More information at www.ks-potashcanada.com.

About File Hills Qu’Appelle Developments Limited Partnership

FHQ Developments is a proudly owned First Nation economic opportunities and wealth creation corporation. FHQ Developments was incorporated in 2010 as a limited partnership under The Business Corporations Act of Saskatchewan. The Partnership’s owners are File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council and its eleven-member First Nation communities: Carry the Kettle, Little Black Bear, Muscowpetung, Nekaneet, Okanese, Pasqua, Peepeekisis, Piapot, Standing Buffalo, Star Blanket, and Wood Mountain. Together our communities represent more than 15,000 member citizens and over 435,000 acres of reserve lands. For more information please visit: www.fhqdev.com

About Points Athabasca FHQ

PAFHQ Contracting LP was created in December 2011 as a partnership among FHQ Developments, Points Athabasca Contracting, and Graham Business Trust. PAFHQ was built on a vision of maximizing First Nation participation in Saskatchewan’s economy, including securing the supply chain and employment opportunities as well as building shareholder equity and own source revenue for First Nations owners. For more information please visit: www.pafhq.com

Your contact persons:

Maeghan Dubois
Senior Communications Specialist
K+S Potash Canada
Phone: (306) 371-0122
Email: maeghan.dubois@ks-potashcanada.com

Christopher Adams
General Manager
FHQ Developments
Phone: 306-790-2352
Email: cadams@fhqdev.com