K+S Potash Canada Celebrates naming Community Hall


K+S Potash Canada Celebrates naming Community Hall

On June 13, K+S Potash Canada celebrated our sponsorship and naming of the community hall in Bethune at a pancake breakfast put on by the Town Hall Board. The event had a great turnout with lots of support from the community of Bethune!

The Bethune Community Hall is a pivotal part of the community as it is used by the Kindergarten to Grade 8 Schools as their gymnasium. It is home to the Palliser Library, Bethune Starsations Dance Club, and Bethune Lions Club. The hall is managed by local volunteers who work hard to raise needed funds in order to offer the use of the hall at a competitive, reasonable price. It is rented out for weddings, bridal showers, events, parties, and funerals, and is often utilized by KSPC for meetings and various events.

This sponsorship will allow the following benefits to the community:

• Increased use by all groups, particularly youth, at a reduced rate.
• More open hours for youth activities such as volleyball, floor hockey, and fitness.
• Affordability for existing youth activities such as the dance club, 4H meetings and awards, and youth group in summer.
• Free Thursday night dance classes for the Bethune Starsations, meaning they can have an additional day per week to use the hall.
• All other youth groups will receive a 50% discount on rates when they rent the hall.
• Free Wednesday night “Community in Motion” classes for adults and children.
• The ability to have a capital fund for repairs and large improvements such as maintenance, large repairs, and capital asset savings.

A couple of volunteers from the Town Hall Board making pancakes.
Sam Farris (VP of Operations at KSPC) and Randy Sigmeth (president of the Town Hall Board) pose for a photo after the unveiling of the new sign.