“I want our children to be happy and thriving and productive members of the community. They need to be well, in order to be happy and thriving.”

– Amanda

Bridging Communities: The Impact of Wellness Programs on Youth Mental Health in Saskatchewan

I want our children to be happy and thriving and productive members of the community. That does involve the learning piece and the curriculum piece, but it also involves their mental health wellness. They need to be well, in order to be happy and thriving.

– Amanda

Amanda is the Superintendent of Learning at Prairie South School Division. She’s also a major advocate for youth mental health and wellbeing. Collaborating with River Street Promotions, a Youth+Us partner, Amanda has been making significant strides in addressing mental health issues in her schools.

This life-changing partnership was born during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world grappled with unprecedented changes, the mental health of young people became a growing concern. River Street Promotions, a non-profit organization known for its commitment to community well-being, approached Amanda with a proposal to support students during the pandemic. Together, their vision was clear: to host events and initiatives that would bring communities together and provide much-needed mental health support during a time of need.

The Power of Community 

One of the most notable events organized throughout this partnership was the Homestand Concert, a community gathering that aimed to lift spirits and foster connections during a time of social isolation. It was conceived as a way to unite the community and offer a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of the pandemic.

Families, friends, and neighbours gathered, adhering to safety protocols, to enjoy live music and celebrate their shared experiences. This event became a cornerstone of the partnership, showcasing the profound impact that community engagement can have on mental health.

“The homestand concert was not just a musical event; it was a symbol of resilience and togetherness for our community.”

– Amanda

Beyond community events, the collaboration between Prairie South and River Street Promotions has been instrumental in providing tailored mental health support to individual schools. The funds raised through various initiatives have been channeled into projects designed to meet the unique needs of each school community.

As a school division we’re publicly funded. So there are restrictions around how we can use our money,” shares Amanda. “But with River Street Promotions’ funding, there’s no restrictions around that. We can utilize that money in ways that make sense to the division and the school community. And that is huge.

– Amanda

There have been 19 initiatives in Prairie South that were started, completed or will be completed by the end of this year. Amanda shares several examples of how these funds have been utilized. In one school, holiday stress coping workshops were organized to help students navigate the pressures of the festive season. These workshops equipped students with practical strategies to manage stress and anxiety, ensuring they could enjoy the holidays without being overwhelmed.

In another school, outdoor activities were introduced to encourage students to disconnect from their screens and reconnect with nature. These activities not only promoted physical well-being but also fostered social connections and mindfulness, providing a holistic approach to mental health.

The funds also helped to host a youth mental wellness conference. Thousands of students from Prairie South and Holy Trinity came together to listen to keynote speakers, with breakout sessions.

A Glimpse Into the Impact

The true measure of success for any mental health initiative lies in the stories of the students it touches. Amanda shares powerful testimonials from students who have been impacted by the programs. 

One student shared, “My biggest takeaway was that it truly is okay to seek help when you need it. You don’t need to be afraid to reach out and say you need help with what you’re struggling with. You can be open about how you’re coping with a tragedy that happened in your life, and seek help so you can better yourself.”

Another said, “There isn’t always a silver lining to everything, but with community there is still hope.” 

It Takes a Village 

The success of this partnership would not have been possible without the support of key community partners, including K+S Potash Canada. Their generous contributions have been instrumental in bringing these initiatives to life and ensuring that they reach as many students as possible.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” says Amanda. “Community partners such as K+S help these initiatives happen. It doesn’t go unnoticed. We hear the expression all the time, it takes a village. River Street Promotions, K+S, and other community partners are the village. And the village is taking care of the mental wellness of our children and youth. And for that, we will be forever grateful.” 

The collaboration between Prairie South, River Street Promotions, and community partners is a shining example of what can be achieved when organizations come together with a common goal.

Looking Ahead: A Vision for the Future

As the partnership continues to evolve, the focus remains on sustainability and long-term impact. Amanda is passionate about expanding the reach of these initiatives and ensuring that every student in Saskatchewan has access to the mental health support they need.

The partnership is more than just a collaboration; it is a movement towards a brighter, healthier future for the youth of Saskatchewan. 

As youth who attended Music Row in Moose Jaw learned, “Live in the moment, find peace in the moment, and love yourself now. Don’t wait until later. Be happy right where you are and take that forward with you.”

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