Enriching Life: Sustainably


Enriching Life: Sustainably

With the release of its 2020-2021 Community Report, K+S Potash Canada (KSPC) has a single message: when it comes to sustainability a lot can be achieved, but there is always potential to do more. 

“We are a part of the social, cultural, and economic fabric of Saskatchewan and Port Moody, British Columbia. It’s important the local communities where we live and operate know who we are, how we do business, and what we’re doing to enrich life sustainably,” explains Sam Farris, KSPC President and General Manager of Operations.

We want to be transparent about our activities and the efforts we are making to operate mindfully. This means respecting the land our Bethune mine is situated on, ensuring we work in respectful collaboration with our Indigenous Community Partners, and making sure local communities feel a positive impact socially, and financially from our operation.”

The Community Report features many of KSPC’s key initiatives and programming in four key areas: Environmental, Social, Health and Safety, and Economic. It also provides readers with an understanding of what informs KSPC’s sustainability practices which are rooted in the global K+S Group’s sustainability goals. These were developed based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Community Report is also an acknowledgment that as a relatively new potash company, KSPC still has a lot of work ahead in terms of enhancing its sustainability work and establishing benchmarks. But Sam Farris is optimistic about the journey.

“This is a process, but it is exciting to think about the potential the future holds.”

“If we can build on our successes and keep up the momentum, I have no doubt we will be able to continue to make a positive difference for our local communities, our employees, and for the people of our province for many more years to come.”

You can read KSPC’s Community Report here.